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About the On-Demand Webinar Presentation
A Real Estate Investment Solution To Your Business?
We Will show you how to Generate an extra $5,000 - $10,000 In 3 months without Lifting A Finger... 
(By Serving The Only Part Of The Market That's Still Buying Right Now!)
Increase Your Transaction Income Residually... Done For You!
To Add A Real Estate Investment Solution 
To Your Business?
Find Out how to Generate an extra $5,000 - $10,000 In 3 months without Lifting A Finger... 
(By Serving The Only Part Of The Market That's Still Buying Right Now!)
Increase Your Transaction Income Residually... Done For You!

Presenter: Kevin Clayson

Done For You Real Estate Co-Founder

Presenter: Steve Earl

Done For You Real Estate CEO
Attention Real Estate Agents! Here's Your Cheat Code:

The Opportunity is NOW To Unlock Perpetual, Residual, Transaction Profits... Done-For-You!

We are pleased to introduce a new solutions provider, Done For You Real Estate (DFY). This new endorsed solution seamlessly integrates a real estate investment arm into your existing business. This upcoming introductory presentation will demonstrate how you can harness the power of done-for-you real estate investing without lifting a finger. We will cover:
Strategy #1:
"How to generate (and convert) high quality leads with a Done-For-You Real Estate investment arm."
Strategy #2:
"How to boost your monthly commissions, and generate a constant stream of transaction income."
Strategy #3:
"How to unlock perpetual commissions by capitalizing on this 'new economy'  transaction opportunity."
In this value-packed presentation, you'll discover how to effortlessly add transactions to your business, increase your profits, and stand out as an investment property expert. With this new solution you can "do more deals, make more money" without having to show a single home, host an open house, research properties, or submit offers. As the country's only official solutions provider for single-family investment properties, this Done-For-You system provides you with an unparalleled advantage in the competitive real estate market.
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